A collection of my thoughts as I travel the world.

Days 26 & 27 – End of Frankfurt, not even a yak

Last couple of days i’ve spent just checking out Frankfurt and ticking off the boxes of the touristy things on the map. I’m finding out a few things. Germany has stolen all the attractive people, everyone smokes here and I get confused easily when people say “Hallo”, which is German and I think they “Hello”.

Checking out Sachenhausen was a bit of an anti climax. I got there too early in the morning and everything is off season so it was dead empty.

So continued walking towards town to get some lunch and check out the main shopping street.

A rather nice foot traffic only street. Paul, there is even a Dunkin Donuts! Found a place called Bull + Bear for lunch. What a huge meal. It sadly wasn’t Yak but it must of been amongst the biggest burgers in Frankfurt.

Pfft not even a Yak..get a real animal Frankfurt.

On the way home grab a few pics of the old Opera house.


Day 27

Its starting to get cold again. 1deg this morning and for most of the day. So rugged up in Icebreaker, faux yak scarf, and gloves.

Spent the morning at the Palmergarten (botanical gardens). Rather nice place to relax. They had alot of NZ plants too.


Something about Autumn that just looks so peaceful and beautiful. Clear days, so many colours, everythings changing.

Had lunch at BagelBrothers. One thing I am learning is don’t order hot chocolate in Europe, its pretty much just coco powder and hot water.

Saw some king parking too. Just because you have smart car doesn’t mean you have to park like a fool.

I’m yet to figure out why all the hotel names are backwards yet. bad translation..?

Off to London tomorrow so might be a few days before I post again.

This snickers thing has got out of hand.



Days 24 & 25 – Natural History Museum, beer and bratwurst


Days 28 & 29 – Painful travelling and visiting Marshall HQ

1 Comment

  1. Crystal

    And I thought Dunedin’s car parking was bad! I can’t believe that was a “smart car”!

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