A collection of my thoughts as I travel the world.

Days 20 & 21 – Last days in Nepal and off to Europe

Well the Past few weeks have been an eye opener. I have been at the foot of Everest, wandered the Tibetian tundra, Met some amazing people and fallen back in love with travelling.

The Intrepid trip was alot more than I expected and alot crazier, even having the flu didn’t make me want to stop.

I have spent the last couple of days relaxing and getting my health back in Kathmandu. Going through all the photos and videos of the trip as I catch up on my blog has made me want to just sign up for another one! But, I have to get my head in the next stage of my trip.

One thing I have managed to do is to compile all the Yak related this we ate. *amended, cheers Phil.

Yak Sizzler, Yak Steak, Yak noodle soup, Yak tongue, Yak Curry, Yaks Milk tea,Yak Burger, Yak Butter, Yak Pizza (in Shigatse, Richard ordered the Tashi Special pizza) I also brought a yak blanket, Phil sat on a Yak, Laura brought sudo yak gloves and we saw a few too. Phil and Richard will fill me in if I missed something.

Wandering around the tourist area I picked up a few gifts and a bigger day bag for myself, 5L bag just wasn’t cutting it. It seems like every 10m I am getting asked to buy knives, hash or a ride somewhere. Sometimes I hate sticking out so much. Europe should be better.

I managed to find one of the little money exchanges Kamal and I were pissing ourselves laughing about.

For those that can’t see it, it says “Loyal Money Changer”. Because that is going to you seem more legit, putting loyal in the name.

Day 21

I spent the morning sitting in a restaurant chatting to people back home and walking around looking to a proper ATM. The currency here is so confusing. 1000NPR is like 12NZD, but it seems so crazy to carry around 20,000NPR.

I get to sit in another Suzuki 800 for my Airport ride, I might try and Timelapse it.

They all seem to say ‘Sports’ or ‘Racing’ on all the vehicles. Paul would be prowd.

This afternoon I head to Germany via Doha. Lets hope that for once I don’t get stopped at a Airport / side of road / border security. That joke is running thin. As much as my Intrepid group loved it.

It’s going to be a long night. In the mean time I shall just drink my pot of tea.

FYI I avoided squat toilets for this whole part of the trip. It was not  easy.


Days 18 & 19 – Wandering Kathmandu


Days 22 & 23 – Arriving in Frankfurt & doing the walking tour


  1. Phil

    Yak Burger (!!), Yak Butter, Yak Pizza (in Shigatse, Richard ordered the Tashi Special pizza)

  2. Anna

    I love the Everest photos Jim. On to the land of Beer now eh? Sorry we missed your call last night. We’ll keep the phone close tonight. Vern was out at a gig and I missed it. You look like you’re having a fab time. Take care xxx

  3. Ferg

    Good to see you’ve been doing the hard “yakka” Jimmy. Certainly Nepal will be experience you’ll never forget. Looking forward to your Europe blogs mate.

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