A collection of my thoughts as I travel the world.

Days 18 & 19 – Wandering Kathmandu

Almost everyone but Phil and I leave today. Laura, Phil, Christine and I headed off to Bhaktapur to check out the ancient city and all the Hindu Temples.

A 45min taxi ride in a Maruti Suzuki, the typical taxi in Kathmandu and one of the smallest cars i’ve been in. Laura convinced the driver to drive us 45mins, stay for put for a few hours and drop us back all for 1500NPR (19.20NZD).

It was the first day we could wander around on our own. And boy did we wander. Phil and Laura took over the lonely planet guide book tour and we wander the streets. Most of the Hindu temples we couldn’t enter and the main square was only paid entry from one side, which seemed odd.

We found the pottery makers, and the first and only pigs i’ve seen all trip.

And the buildings were far from safe.


The afternoon Phil, Laura and I stopped by the Garden of Dreams which is a very western style Garden 15mins walk from our hotel and on the edge of Thamel.


The wiring in this city never ceases to amaze me. It all seems to be TV cables.


Said goodbye to Laura and Joyce after having dinner at the Funky Buddha.

Day 19

Started off the day with breakfast with Phil and Christine, and said goodbye to Christine, but hopefully will catch her in Berlin for my sweet tour!

Spent the rest of the day uploading photos and writing. Split up with dinner with Phil at the Roadhouse Cafe, possibly the best pizza/calzone i’ve ever had.

Writing blog posts and uploading photos gets painful with patchy internet and rolling blackouts throughout the city. But at least they are kind enough to let us know.



Day 17 – Back to Kathmandu the crazy way


Days 20 & 21 – Last days in Nepal and off to Europe


  1. Mon

    Hello from auckland !!!!!!
    Loving the photos and stories jimmy – What an adventure!
    Haha it might be painful to keep it updated, but this blog is awesome so please keep uploading! It means we can all live vicariously through you ( and know that you haven’t actually just snuck off to the Gold Coast) 🙂

    • bassybeats

      Yeah I am overseas for realsies. Its not too painful and i rather enjoy it, but wifi is a bit patchy which makes uploading photos harder. Glad you are enjoying it 🙂

  2. Rachel

    I haven’t seen the water steriliser feature yet. And a little girl waits… x

    • bassybeats

      Its hard to find a place to use it. Water is either in bottles or waaaaay past being able to be sterlized. I will try though.

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