Bassybeats Travel Blog

A collection of my thoughts as I travel the world.

Day 8 – The Potala and more temples

With a slightly later start to the day we hit up Dunya’s again and were told to rug up. Today was the first day of Tibetian snow! The plan for the day was to go into the Potala and the most scared temple.

We got some Rickshaw’s to the Potala as there are ALOT of steeps and it was snowy so would be an effort at the new altitude to do both in the morning.



On arrival it was pretty cool to see all the hills snowy. Making our way up the stairs we got better and better views. Sadly there won’t be many photos from inside the temples or Monasteries as its not allowed.

Also a bit of a funny for the day, we got pranked by monks! We were approached by a lady with red dye asking to put a line down the bridge of our noses, which wer said yeah why not!

Further into the walk we started noticing that nobody else had this done and that the Monks were laughing, when we asked we were told it was for good luck.

The day was also a day that were reclaying / painting parts of the the Potala and the lady with the dye was a worker who was going around doing it to tourists. We put two and two together on the exit out as we passed 100 odd workers all with the same dye all smiling and laughing, that dye was gone so fast.


Midday was spent wandering the stalls, getting more Rickshaws and more food.

Afternoon we had a non compulsory tour of the temple from the day before. I went along, and will try to for as many of the things I can unless i’m feeling under the weather as some people have been.



Another dinner and preparing for the day ahead with an acsent to 4500m. Had to do a group stop at the chemists as some people weren’t feeling well and I had been having blood noses since Nepal, which I was told is common due to the drier. colder air. The mystery Chinese nose spray seems to be working so far!



Day 6 & 7 – Tibet, Lhasa and Monks


Day 9 & 10 – Ganden Monastery and last day in Lhasa

1 Comment

  1. Des

    sweet pics man, have fun!

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