Day 30 started off pretty well after getting some good sleep and actually having breakfast for a change we set off to the Southbank xmas markets by the London eye. Well we either came the wrong day or they were not really going to the effort. Mostly food and nick-naks, but we did get a couple of nice photos.


Sam and I realised we had never had bacon and egg waffles before, so had to sort that problem out.

Went for a bit more of a walk and got some photos before heading too Camden Markets to see if they were any better.

Sam and Amy’s mission for the day was to find the worst xmas sweater they could and I think they got close. Was rather amusing listening to Sam say to the store owner “Oh yeah that’s Hideous! I love it”. The guys confusion was priceless.

Stopped for a beer at The Elephant’s Head where they play background blues and I realised I hated British Flat beer that has been hand pumped.

That was the first half of the day done. Part two once we got back started with Django Unchained, drinks and then wander down to Amy’s American friends for a Thanksgiving dinner then onto Robin Schulz at The Egg by Kings Cross.

I forgot that Kings Cross had the Harry Potter thing on the wall.

Once at The Egg, it was intense from the door. Multiple security checks, pat downs, forced coat check, at the onto the 4-5 floors of DJ’s. Seemed each floor had a different DJ playing and no one had a drink, they were taking something though. Very cool night out and awesome people to go with.

It was one long night. Getting back at 7am, we got the second tube of the day. Knowing I had to meet Sarah for Winter Wonderland in a few hours I went straight to sleep.