A collection of my thoughts as I travel the world.

Day 11 & 12 – Gyantse hotels, street dogs and The Fort

We start our day nice and early with an 8 hour drive ahead of us. The day got broken up with a bunch of nice mountain passes that did remind me of home. Among some of the stops we got to see some big Tibetan Mastives, which a bear like dogs, treated pretty badly though so not alot of us got photos with them. Also the same story goes for a Yak that you could sit on, cool idea but the animals were treated like shit so I didn’t get any pictures.



After ourlong drive we checked into the Hotel. The hotel was average and uneventful, but it was where Phil and I started watching Chinese weightlifting on TV as it was the only thing on that you could understand without english subtitles. After that I got my first taste of non yak food.

Next morning we got breakfast and headed off to Gyantse Dzong, a big fort on top of a hill. The walk there was pretty cold with the ground frozen and cows and dogs being the only thing around.

When we got to the top of the fort it was closed and the boys were a little let down, so we went for a wander across the edge of the Fort to get a better view.


On our descent we were cut off by some local street dogs, making our trip back to the group a bit more interesting. Once i get some photos off others I will update this post.

We continued our morning with looking at the Pelkhor Chode Temple, one of the only ones that you can look around inside.


That afternoon we headed off to Shigatse, for me this is where the fun started. Phil and I had been room mates for most of the trip and we got stuck with the helpful hotel staff. On arrival The room key didn’t work, when I told the hotel manager they sent someone upto fix it, which I thought was the end of it.

Phil popped out for a walk and I tried to get some sleep as the flu was kicking in bad and I knew we had a big night ahead of us. Sleep never happened due to the noise outside, so I tried for a shower which had no hot water and started flooding, sigh. So another trip to the hotel lobby and they sent someone up to fix both things. Once I got back to my room 3 floors up the door card wasn’t working again. 3 more trips and I realised that the staff were using their own card not mine which is when I asked for a new card. 1 1/2 hours pass and I finally find Tashi our local guide who got it sorted. In the end the door opener had a flat battery, and when Phil and I get in the staff had left the shower running the whole time with the shower head resting nicely in the toilet.

Long day ended hilariously with a walk to the local Karaoke bar where they did the Yak Dance.

Too much excitement for one day, I wandered home with most people and went to sleep as we had an early start again the next day.



Day 9 & 10 – Ganden Monastery and last day in Lhasa


Day 13 & 14 – Sakya, Base Camp and The coldest night

1 Comment

  1. lorna

    Those top photos look as if you are still in nz

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